05 June 2016

Oh, now I understand...

There have been a multitude of videos and stories coming out of Texas this week reporting on the record flooding there.  I was watching a national newscast of a reporter standing knee-deep in floodwaters with half-submerged houses and cars in the background; he explained the intensity of the disaster in these terms:
"The flow in the Brazos River is equivalent to 35 million water bottles a minute."
Photo credit: Jennifer Pettus Ellis


  1. Texas has received 35 TRILLION gallons of rain in May. That's enough to cover the entire state in 8" of water.

  2. If only we could convince people that individual plastic water bottles are a threat to the environment... At least the Texas rains weren't encased in plastic bottles.

  3. Unrelated to the flooding. What kind of plane was the photo taken from? It looks like it was made from cheap backyard swing set components.
