22 June 2016

"Enhance the reflection"


  1. https://typesetinthefuture.com/ Super cool site

    1. I quite agree; I plan to write a post about their Blade Runner study (where this video was embedded) later this month.

  2. About 10–15 years ago, a researcher created software that could analyze the reflection in the eyes caught in a person's photograph and recreate the image found there, plus indicate right where the primary subject's visual focus was at the time. The end result was the computer could recreate roughly what the subject in the photograph was looking at the moment the photo was taken.

    I believe the limitations were the photograph had to be close enough and high-resolution enough that the reflection could be made out in the image.

    What it boils down to, is what appears to be science fiction in the above video clip is actually scientific fact. (And also add a warning to gentlemen that when talking to a lady in a place where many photos are being taken, you may want to take care to ensure your eyes are locked on her face and not elsewhere on her person.)

  3. OMG. It missed the best one ever. From the movie "Super Troopers".


  4. Have you seen _Red Dwarf: Back to Earth_? One scene contains a pretty good parody of this sort of thing.

    1. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2qlmuy

  5. UGH...as a Crime Scene Investigator in a small rural town, I get hit with the CSI effect all the time. I'm handed a grainy, black & white still from an outdated store video system and they (the store) are shocked (shocked!) that the black, faceless blob of an image cannot be 'enhanced' to identify the person in the photo.
