31 May 2016

Interesting bag from a bookseller

The text consists of first lines from books, alphabetized by the first word.  Distributed by the Little Shop of Stories in Decatur, Georgia. 

A hat tip to reader Humbaba for this list of the source works and their authors.


  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/4lhfxc/i_just_bought_a_book_from_my_local_bookshop_i/d3o6wn7

    1. Thank you kind sir. I've added that link to the post.

  2. Hooray! One of my favorite bookstores made one of my favorite blogs... This store is the epitome of neighborhood shops that make a national impact.
    Good job Little Shop!

  3. This really doesn't have anything to do with this particular post, but I didn't know where else to comment. I love your blog and have been following it from the beginning. I really wish you would have your links open in a new tab though. It makes it easier to pick up from where I left off when reading one of your posts.

    1. I'm not sure how to do that as a writer (I'll check), but I know how you can do it as a reader. Instead of "left-clicking" on the link, "right-click" it and pull-down to "open in a new tab." That's what I do with virtually all links (unless I'm done with a page).
