11 February 2016

This woman saves children

A woman from Denmark named Anja Ringgren Lovén has spent three years in Nigeria saving children from the worst cases of abuse. She is taking care of kids abandoned by their own very families for being witches.

A documentary on her work is coming up and she has been raising funds [via this link] from people in her country to assist the kids.   See what this woman is doing, it can’t be compared to some Nigerian NGO’s that are just eating UN’s money.

“I’ve seen much here in Nigeria over the last 3 years. I have spared you for many experiences when we’ve been on the rescue operations. Thousands of children are being accused of being witches and we’ve both seen torture of children, dead children and frightened children. This footage shows why I fight. Why I sold everything I own. Why I’m moving out in uncharted territory. Why the new documentary is so important for dinnødhjælps work so we can shout world leaders up so we can get focused on superstition in Nigeria! I hope you will all see with when ” Anja Africa ‘ is being shown on TV. Together we can make the biggest difference!
Photo and text from awomkenneth.com.

Via Reddit, where it is noted that this woman has raised a million dkr in a few days to help the children.


  1. Just one of the saddest and bravest things I've ever seen. It is odd it is so easy for people to turn against their own in times of adversity and challenge but other people are willing to do everything to help the victims of ignorance, fear, and desperation.

  2. "And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.”
    Matthew 10:42

  3. As somebody who doesn't really find life worth living even in the West, I wonder if she's doing them any favors. Hopefully one of these children grows up to persuade other people not to abandon "witches" like them in the first place. That would actually solve the problem.

  4. Be nice if the US, which thought absolutely nothing of losing 12 Billion (yes, with a B) in cash sent on pallets to Iraq, would send her a few thousand to continue her work. As it is, she's lucky they don't "mistakenly" take her out for allegedly harboring god knows who or what.

    Bless her.

  5. Update: This is the same boy after a few months in her care http://jyllands-posten.dk/international/Afrika/ECE8556441/smil-og-runde-kinder-udstoedt-heksedreng-klarer-sig-godt/
