28 August 2015

"So volatile that a mosquito landing on it will make it explode"

 This is why you won't find any nitrogen triiodide sitting around in the woods of northern Minnesota.


  1. My high school science teacher, told us when he was in University, they coated the lab floor in a thin layer of this. They could not get rid of the ghostly purple foot prints it left on the floor ;)

  2. This guy laid it on too thick. We always used it in a thin acetone solution. perfect for doorknobs and such.

    Alas, iodine is one of the substances that is no longer generally available. /checks usual sources... nope not even as a K or Na salt/ There is one source, but I don't want to bust it as it is used as a thyroid anti-radiation prophylactic.

  3. How on earth do they handles this stuff without exploding it? What about shipment? Does it need air to be explosive?

  4. You may have noticed it was in blotter paper. When wet it's stable.It's a precipitate, so one makes it, racks off the excess, and pours the remainder through the paper.

    Then it being fairly dangerous once dry, I suspect they set in place and waited for it to dry.

    The canonic tool I've see for demonstrating it is an puffy ostrich feather.

  5. Take look at
    C2N12 ...
    Azidoazide Azide

  6. I totally enjoyed the humor in their closing paragraph. Thanx, Aleksejs.

  7. @aleksejs
    my favorite has always been
    note the new host

    Wish we could talk him into a book.
