10 August 2015

Res ipsa loquitur

Via imgur.


  1. Non-native speaker here: I don't get it. Is it wordplay or there is a context for this image?

    1. Yup: wordplay.

      The verb "to run" can mean a person moving much more quickly than just a walk (running a race) or the basic functioning of an organization (my aunt runs the accounting division of ABC Corp.).

      The t-shirt is saying that the government is run so poorly that even a child confined to a wheelchair "runs better".

    2. The girl in the wheelchair has a physical disability which prevents her from walklng/running. The word "run" is also commonly used to refer to the operation of the U.S. federal government. Most Americans feel our government operates ineffectively. The girl is wearing a tee-shirt more commonly worn by able-bodied athletes; on her the statement becomes even more emphatic.

    3. Oops, sorry Chris. When beatcracker's request appeared in my emailbox, I hadn't seen that you had already replied.

    4. I've suspected that it's wordplay on the "to run" meanings, but the phrase structure is a bit uncommon for me. Thanks for clarifying this, Chris & Minnesotastan.

  2. No worries: I'm sure getting it explained two different ways was more helpful, not less.

  3. Res ipsa loquitur-the thing speaks for itself
