26 June 2015

Public shaming

The malefactor parked his vehicle in a handicap spot in Brazil.


  1. The problem with public shaming in this case is that not all disabilities are visible. There are times when people who are mobile still deserve to use a handicap parking spot (some cases of chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and PTSD come to mind). Or maybe he had just finished dropping off a passenger who needed the handicap access.

  2. If you have a legitimate disability in the US, you can and should get a special permit (hanging on the rear view mirror or other type) -- I imagine the same is true there as well. If you don't have the permit, don't use the spot.

  3. If you have a legitimate disability in the US, you can and should get a special permit (hanging on the rear view mirror or other type) -- I imagine the same is true there as well. If you don't have the permit, don't use the spot.

  4. Well deserved, but ultimate caused a much greater hazard by causing him to drive off unsafely in a vehicle with very limited visibility.
