30 June 2015


Piñatas bearing the likeness of the billionaire mogul have begun popping up in Mexico, a response to controversial comments Trump made about Mexican immigrants.
“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” Trump said during his Presidential campaign announcement speech. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
It's not like Trump said this in a moment of levity at a party.  This was part and parcel of his public announcement that he wants to be POTUS.  Incredible.


  1. Is it filled with bullshit like the real thing?

  2. Just another reason to get my half-Mexican grandson to register to vote now that he's turned 18.

  3. The Mexican immigrants I know are without fail decent hard-working people. I wish we had more Americans like them.

  4. Do we still believe that he wants to be POTUS? I'm kinda leaning more toward the alternative hypothesis: He has cynically adopted the old adage 'There is no such thing as bad publicity' and uses the free press coverage to hype his personal brand every few years. Kinda like the little staged celebrity "feuds" he gets into on a recurring basis.

  5. I am with you nolandda....But he got bit in the butt this time and is losing out financially with NBC and Macy's dumping him.

  6. In reasonably prosperous times like now, this is something we can point and laugh at but when the shit really hits the economic fan people like this get elected. This is the real danger from climate change, for example. Sure, given twenty to fifty years we can adjust to new extremes of weather but in the intervening time, life is going to be tough for the increasing number of people living near the breadline — and they'll get angry and stupid.

  7. That Piñata on the left is a very realistic depiction of the real thing on the right of the pic.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It gave me a new view of how I think when I cast my vote. I think its really important that the president likes people.
    Trump, well, apparently he likes money a lot more than he likes people.

  10. The mouth is the right size, but it needs more orange spray paint on the skin.

  11. How can I get a job as Donald's hairdresser? There's a fortune to be made, right there. And please, someone, get a photo of him first thing in the morning, before he's had access to a comb. That's got to be a pretty sight. We all need a laugh in these trying times.
