21 December 2014

So you like to take quizzes?

I'm waiting (impatiently) for the annual King Williams College General Knowledge Quiz, which presumably will be released just after Christmas.  In the meantime I peeked at the Royal Statistical Society Christmas Quiz, which is equally near-impossible.

Here is the first of the ten questions:

1. Setting the scene (12 points)

In whole or in part, which works are set on, in or at:
  • (a) A ship at sea; The Palace of Theseus; An open place; The guard-platform of the castle
  • (b) Antwerp, c. 925; Thuringia, c. 1200; Rome, c. 1350; Gothic Spain, at an unspecified time
  • (c) A Leicestershire castle, c. 1194; A Warwickshire castle, c. 1575; ‘A large and antiquated edifice’ in Northumberland, c. 1715; Prestonpans, 1745
More at the link.  Alternatively, here is their 2011 quiz --- with the answers.


  1. That should fill in these 3 days nicely... yikes!

  2. Hope you don't mind a spoiler--I think I guessed one!

    #9 is countries where both country name and capital alternate vowels and consonants. Peru and Suriname are the only South American countries where both is true, assuming one counts Sucre as co-capital of Bolivia.

    1. That is correct:

      Comoros - Moroni
      Togo - Lomé
      Senegal - Dakar

      Peru - Lima
      Suriname - Paramaribo

      btw - you can find answers to the other questions at one of QI's Sooper Seekrit talk forums.
