Each pack weighs 15–18 g and contains about 36 Tic Tacs. New packs in
Australia and Canada weigh 24 g and contain 50 Tic Tacs, and the Tic
Tac "Big Box" weighs 49 g and contains 100 Tic Tacs. The "Big Pack"
weighs 29 grams (1 ounce) and contains 60 pieces. The "Jumbo Pack"
weighs 98 grams (3.4 ounce) and contains 200 pieces.
Each Tic Tac weighs just under 0.5 g. Since US federal regulations
state that if a single serving contains less than 0.5 g of sugars it is
allowable to express the amount of sugar in a serving as zero, and since a single serving of Tic Tacs is a single Tic Tac, Tic Tacs are labeled in the US as containing zero sugar.
Confirmed at the
TicTac FAQs ("Tic Tac
® mints do contain sugar").
You can also find whole jars of pickles that contain 0 calories. Based on the similar kind rules I would imagine.