23 September 2014

I'm back

I had a delightful time at the 50th reunion of my high school class in Minneapolis.  Amazingly, about 2/3 of the class returned, arriving from as far away as California, Florida, Montana, Vermont, Texas, and nine other states for three days of renewing the best friendships of our lives.

Image via Seleene's Sandbox.


  1. Welcome home!! Any good stories you can share?

    1. None that will be meaningful, though I may blog some items re my classmates in the weeks to come.

  2. Hi....I just attended my 50th reunion also. One of my elementary/high school school friends went to college with you and got me hooked into your blog five years ago. Haven't missed a day since (except for your blogcations!)

    1. Interesting to hear that, especially since very few of my college friends even know about the blog, which I didn't start until 40 years later. Perhaps its Ira...

  3. Gladyou had a good time, glad you're back!

  4. My hometown, Vincennes, Indiana, goes completely crazy about high school reunions. Thousands return every year and every single class has a party booth at a local pavilion; each class with a "0" year reunion also has a float (ok, a tractor pulling 2-3 hay wagons w/far too many alumni than should be safely crammed on them) in the parade, and toss beads and candy by the pounds along the parade route. Last time I went for my 35th in 2012, the class of 1942 had a float w/over a dozen folks on it! KaraBoo in Ohio

  5. Every time you announce a blogcation I'm disappointed. Then you come back and it's like finding the blog all over again. Welcome back! Glad you enjoyed the well earned time off.
