30 July 2014

Deaths in Gaza

15.47 Inna Lazareva has verified the video shown earlier of individuals celebrating the death of children. Here is an extract of her report.
"There is no school tomorrow; there are no children left in Gaza,” chanted the right-wing extremists gathered opposite Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square on Saturday night, waving Israeli flags and shaking their fingers in the air.

As the the cries of “I hate all the Arabs” and “Gaza is a cemetery” intensified, some of the protestors tried to accost the participants in one of the country’s biggest anti-war demonstrations this year.

“Go protest in Gaza!” they shouted at the thousands spread all over Tel Aviv’s main protest square, in a demonstration that dwarfed the extremists’ riot.
Infographic from the Washington Post.


  1. " the thousands spread all over Tel Aviv’s main protest square, in a demonstration that dwarfed the extremists’ riot."- the extremists are out-numbered in Israel.

  2. When any group, anywhere, celebrates the death of innocent children (and all children are innocent), there is something seriously wrong with them and the society they belong to that perpetrates the murder of children. I used to be very pro-Israel, but no more.

    1. So what is Israel supposed to do when the people trying to kill them place children in the way? If I was trying to harm you or your family but I had a child with me, would you just turn your cheek so you didn't risk harming the child I was using as a shield?

      You used to be pro-israel. Now you're not. Now you should understand why the Palestinians are using children as shields. It is very very effective.

    2. That's like saying all whites are violent vandal racists because (almost) everyone in the KKK is white. In the source article the extermists were hectoring a demonstartion of Israelis that didn't want the state to keep killing children.

    3. Hari- you may be interested in reading this...

