19 June 2014

You've seen thongs. How about "half-thongs" ?

As reported in an op-ed "Women's Life" Telegraph article about "spornosexuals":
If you thought the mankini was bad, the penchant for men revealing way more than they need to on the beach has now reached a whole new level. The half-thong mankini hybrid... If this is what some men think makes them look sexy, then we're all doomed...

Twenty years ago, Mark Simpson coined the term 'metrosexual'. Now, a new, more extreme, sex- and body-obsessed version of men exists, he says - and they're called spornosexuals.  The term encapsulates the new breed of male who thinks nothing of using (and abusing) products, practises and pleasures previously only the domain of women and gay men. Practises including wearing half-thongs to the beach.
I'll leave the photo beneath the fold...


  1. eeeeww. Nudity would be less repellent.

    1. Agreed, simple nudity is always in style. This is a crime against both fashion and nature.

  2. oh yeah, image not beneath a fold.

    1. The "fold" disappears when you access the post directly.

    2. The picture was showing on my reading list,I hadn't clicked it yet. could be something whacky in my reading list settings so that it grabs an image beneath a fold when there are no images above the fold.

  3. are you offended because they are straight? i'm confused.

    1. Who is offended by their orientation? How could that even matter?
      I'm thankful there were no pics of someone in a mid-life crisis or a retiree wearing one, straight or gay.

  4. Interesting that the nude depiction of Judith makes it above the fold but these photos of dudes in bathing suits is below the fold.

  5. Heaven forfend that straight men do things usually associated with women or gay men.

    (Sarcasm aside, wow, there is a style of 'bathing suit' I have not seen before.)

  6. it's really weird that both these and the... C-Thong? The woman's bathing bottom that is C-shaped and is apparently held by a slender flexible rod that passes between the butt cheeks... are showing up all over the internet. They are NOT NEW. I remember first seeing them years ago as tongue-in-cheek bathing suit/underwear options as clothing mods for "The Sims 2." I really wonder why both are popping up again.

    Also, the paintings of Judith are Classical Art and thus everything that's ok and educational and good, but photos of mostly naked modern times dudes aren't. Most workplaces won't care about hundred+ year old portraits of bible scenes but miiiiiight object to hot dudes in cocksocks. That might explain why one's under a cut and one isn't.

    1. And naked women are attractive. (and I am a straight female).

  7. Given a few years, I hope their grandchildren just mock the hell out of these guys. And that's one stupid haircut, too.

  8. That which has been seen cannot be unseen. Straight, gay or whatever, I'm not impressed. But that's societal entropy. We can do something, so we do.

  9. So since I am basically ignorant and have never seen one of these things before, can someone explain what holds them up? Glue? Dong-clamp? Transparent plastic strap going over right hip? Art?

  10. Do they come in left or right handed versions? To accommodate the angle of the dangle?
