10 June 2014

Today at TYWKIWDBI we're going to "go Dutch"

The phrase "going Dutch" conventionally refers to the sharing of expenses, but today I'm using it to note that all of the posts (and several reposts) will contain material about or from the Netherlands.

Over the years I've been blogging, the Dutch have been among the most faithful readers and commenters (the map shows their locations), and I regularly follow several blogs authored by readers here. 

I know of at least one compilation of Dutch blogs, but I'd be more interested in discovering additional blogs written by readers of TYWKIWDBI.  If you are a Dutch blogger (in the Netherlands or as an expat blogging Dutch material), please leave your blog's address in the Comments for this post.


  1. Wow! Awesome. I will (hopefully) impress my daughter-in-law now - she's Dutch. Thanks for these, AmsterdamStan!

  2. Slightly disconcerting that you've published these backwards, with the post announcing the day's theme at the TOP of the page and the post declaring itself the "final" in the series further down.

    I'll pass this on to a Dutch friend. Incidentally, I visited the Netherlands about 15 years ago.

  3. Nice series. :-) Thanks for the link to Erik Kwakkel's Tumblr: I didn't know it and now added it to my bookmarks.
    I am Belgian, but I work for a Dutch university. Does that count? My blog is here and this is the automatic Google translation.
    O, and I am still looking for the identification of this beetle: help from the hive mind at tywkiwdbi is most welcome! :)

    1. Thank you for the blog info, Sylvia.

      I agree your beetle is a weevil. A quick search of the web this morning suggests that it might be Bystiscus betulae -


    2. Thank you, that is wonderful! Yes, those images seem to correspond with 'my' weevil and some of the images on wikicommons have been taken in Belgium, so even the location fits.
      It is still a mystery to me how you found it so quickly. Searching for "weevil" did not help me much, neither did searching by image. Did you guess the family?

    3. The "weevil" part of the search was an easy decision. In Google Image Search I tried Netherlands+weevil without success and Europe+weevil not much better. Then, recogniziing that the beetle might not actually be "blue" (it's really a metallic sheen that might vary with the light), I searched Google Images for blue+weevil. One of the most similar photos had the genus and species listed, so I then re-searched for "Bystiscus betulae" in quotes.

  4. I like the Netherlands, and the Dutch (I've visited fairly often), and I have my kit ready for Friday.


  5. This is my website: www.robswebstek.com ('webstek' being a seldom used Dutch translation of 'website'). It's a mix of old photos, maps, classic movie actresses, art, history and more. And it is in English.

  6. I'm an Australian and have been living in the Netherlands for 10 years. I used to blog semi-regularly on a variety of topics, but nowadays I only post my own translations of Dutch and German poetry when I'm feeling inspired. Feel free to check it out: http://brentusfirmus.wordpress.com

  7. Nice idea! My blog Found Objects isn't a "Dutch" blog as such, but there's a lot of daily life in it that happens to take place in the Netherlands.

    1. You forgot the link. Is this the right one?


  8. I'm Dutch and I regularly post my stuff on an international art blog called eatenbyducks.blogspot.com. It is an international community of people who do "undergound art", whatever that may mean these days.

  9. This has been up for two weeks, so I'll close the comments now. The blogs mentioned in the comments above are ones authored by regular readers of TYWKIWDBI.
