05 June 2014

Bat scat is phat

It's not as colorful as, say, unicorn poop, but it does sparkle:
It’s a diet of insects that puts the shine in bat guano. Insects’ exoskeletons, or hard outer coverings, are made of chitin. Chitin is chemically a lot like plant cellulose; it’s difficult to digest, and passes through a gut relatively unchanged...
You learn something every day.

Photo credit: Grover Schrayer at Flickr.

"Phat" = (slang: excellent): cool (slang), excellent, fab (dated slang), rad (dated slang), super, wicked (slang)


  1. Is there a way to subscribe to this blog? Your posts are interesting.

    1. There are a couple links in the right sidebar, or you might try this -


      But I think most readers just bookmark the page and visit once or twice a week.

  2. Interesting fact... while cellulose provides the structural support for plants, chitin provides the structural support for mushrooms and other fungi.
