30 March 2014

I'll bet you didn't see the mantis on the orchid

Neither did the fly.

From the Mail Online, via The Soul is Bone.

Today I'm posting five items I've harvested from The Soul is Bone, and I'm adding it to my category of recommended blogs.  It's a tumblr maintained by the same blogger who created Deformutilation, which I also frequently visit.  The content is described as
Educationally bizarre: Current events, medicine, animals, forensics, oddities, teeth, eyes, deformities, funerals, cemeteries, blood, albinism and such ........
Both sites include graphic images of human pathology (especially ocular pathology) which are not hidden beneath any folds and thus may be too intense for some readers.  But the tumblr clearly has an abundance of images of "things-you-wouldn't-know" material, always with appropriate links to the source.