20 January 2014

The difference between dogs and cats

A dog demonstrates to the puppy how to walk down stairs, then encourages it to do so.  In the second clip a cat demonstrates the feline equivalent of this encouragement.

A hat tip to Miss C at Neatorama for the via and for a much-needed laugh this morning.


  1. Thanks for that! Best laugh in weeks!

  2. Thanks. Now I have Wild Turkey all over my screen.


  3. Stan - I went to share this, and it said the video was unlisted (and admonished me to be considerate before sending it on). Just FYI. I decided not to.

    1. Noted. That notice wasn't there a couple days ago.

  4. That's a sizable kitten. If it hasn't learned to walk down stairs by that age, it's a very strange cat. I remember little teeny kittens with wee short legs racing each other up and down our staircase like madmen. They would have been less than eight weeks old, because that's the age they went to other families.

    What you see there is a young adult cat messing with an adolescent. Teaching has nothing to do with it. It's the cat equivalent of a prank.

    1. As an addendum to my comment above, it might be argued that pranks do have a survival value, and so could be viewed as a kind of instinctual "teaching." The lesson to be learned here would be "watch your back, stupid. Be alert at all times. There's monsters out there that want to eat you."

  5. When I went to view the video, I got a notice that the video had been removed by the user.
