11 January 2014

Futility Closet is now a book

If you enter "futility closet" in the search box in the right column of TYWKIWDBI, you will get about 40 hits, because over the past six years I have found a wealth of material there for my personal interest, and I've used some of it for this blog. 

Today, Mark Frauenfelder is reporting at Boing Boing that Greg Ross has now compiled "the best" of Futility Closet into a self-published book.  I was particularly interested in these paragraphs from the preface:

While Greg's philosophy is remarkably similar to my own, his methodology is substantially different:

I particularly value blogs and websites that put new material on the web, rather than (as I do) simply reposting material already posted elsewhere.

Mark's 20-minute interview with Greg is available at the BoingBoing post.


  1. "I particularly value blogs and websites that put new material on the web, rather than (as I do) simply reposting material already posted elsewhere."
    Agreed, although a) surprisingly large amount of FC posted stuff is discoverable via Google Books, and b) I really really wish Greg would cite his sources as well as you do.

  2. A belated thanks to Stan for introducing me to Futility Closet. Greg & Sharon featured some information I sent them on their podcast this week, and I am pleased as punch.

    1. It's a rare occasion for me to be able to offer a correction to one of your statements, Dan. "Punch" should be capitalized, since in this usage the word refers to a person.

    2. Good catch. You are quite right. Wouldn't want to disrespect Mr. Punch who knows what fate would befall me. Thanks for the correction.
