26 November 2013

"Carmina Burana" flash mob

I'm not back (yet) - still on blogcation.  But I can't resist a flash mob.  As explained by Mademoiselle Titam at her Curiosities blog:
"En avril 2012, les solistes, le chœur et orchestre du Volksoper Wien (l’opéra populaire de Vienne, Autriche) a réalisé une flashmob dans la gare de Vienne. Devant des passants et voyageurs aux yeux ébahis, ce sont d’autres passants, employés, qui deviennent peu à peu artistes…"


  1. I wonder if you have any idea what pleasure you bring via your blog!
    Thanks so much from New Zealand.

    1. I'm sure 'Stan realises this perfectly well! So many of us tell him often with comments like yours. From Australia :)

    2. It's my pleasure as well.

      p.s. - if you liked this one, type "flash mob" in the "search TYWKIWDBI" box near the top of the right sidebar and take a look at some past similar posts. :.)

  2. I was familiar with the name of this music, but I didn't know it was the music from the coffee ad! Thanks, now I'll be able to identify the coffee ad music easily!
    (Also from Australia)

  3. Wow! One of the best flash mob videos. Thanks, MinnesotaStan! You continue to be DA MAN.

  4. I love Carmina Burana and make every effort to go see it when it's performed locally. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for sharing! That made my day.

    Here's a treat for you for whenever you come out of hibernation:


  6. Thank you for taking time out from your blogcation to post this. One of my favorite pieces and so cool that it was a flash mob. Made my day.
