06 September 2013

Three images of "Up North"

I presume the backyard rink must be intended only for peewee hockey, because I wouldn't want to be checked against those low sideboards.

Found at Izismile - unfortunately without credits re sources.


  1. The ice hockey rink picture is from Edmonton. (The guy on the left is wearing an Edmonton Oilers jersey, #94 Ryan Smyth.)

    I know it's possible for an Edmonton fan to live in Minnesota, but I've seen the picture around credited to Edmonton before.

    1. That's one of the dangers of using uncredited photos.

      I've made an adjustment to the title. I don't believe anyone in Minnesota would wear an Oilers jersey. :.)

  2. AND, it isn't legal to require minimum purchases for use of credit cards - but I'm glad to see they're polite about not insisting on it.
