03 May 2013

Cheerful Russian dashcam footage

Compilations of dashcam videos from Russian drivers are famous for their depiction of horrendous accidents, gore and carnage.  This 5-minute video shows the converse - people being nice to one another and to animals at risk.

Viewing this will probably bring a couple tears of happiness to your eyes...

Via Reddit. Music reportedly from The Cinematic Orchestra Arrival of the Birds and Transformation.


  1. Rough translation of the Russian:

    Any act can become the most gracious if there is no self-interest. Do good deeds.

    When did you last perform a good deed?

    1. Thank you, anon. I was wondering what it said.

    2. ? It's subtitled! :)

    3. I didn't see any subtitles...?

  2. What a reassuring demonstration that there is abundant good out there in the world.

  3. i saw a video of the guy on the motorcycle(4:37) before where someone was on the ground and he stopped and helped the person up... just wish I could find the link again.....

  4. Why are my eyes wet?! Was not expecting that (despite your warning)...

  5. I am always heartened by how kind people can be.

  6. This is wonderful! It makes the world seem so much less lonely, to see people caring for complete strangers, and making way for ducklings.

  7. The thing I noticed is so many of them (all?) were males. Males are so often viewed in so many ways, but not often as guardian angels of any kind. But I think that most of us men have such moments of helpfulness.

    One I recall from long ago was being in a traffic jam in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, a real slow stop-and-go one on a 4-lane street. After almost half an hour, I got up to where the delay was - a stalled car in the left lane. I was in the right lane, and I stopped and helped push the guy off and into a driveway. Some people honked, but I blew that off. Immediately when I pulled away, both lanes were open and traffic began flowing.

    I remember wishing that someone had done what I did 30 minutes earlier, and thinking how stupid it was that no one had done it before me, out of all the cars who had had to creep along for so long. But I wasn't about to let it keep on going the way it had been going.
