27 March 2013

Pontiac hood ornament

This is a close-up of the hood ornament of a 1952 Pontiac Chieftain automobile. This car was at the Gilmore Car Museum for a car show. I used my 70-300mm (2x crop factor) lens and a small aperture to make sure the background was blurred out. Processing was minimal, although I tried to bring out the head and downplay the color of the car itself.
From James Howe Photography, via Mark's Scrapbook of Oddities and Treasures.


  1. Large aperture = small aperture number. Even if the number is small, it's a large aperture and correctly referred to as such.

    Nice image!

    1. I had the same kneejerk response, but Stan didn't take the photo and it really doesn't matter. :)

    2. I just copied and pasted from the source, without paying attention to the details. BJ is of course correct.

  2. I had a "55 Star Cheif. Same Indian head, but it is styled as the nose of a plane, the wings of which spread about a foot wide, with the fuselage being 8" long. I'm not sure about the '52 pictured here, butnmine had a light bulb inside the head, and when I turned my lights on, the indian glowed orange.
    This was a major source of delight when I was 17 in 1974.
    My grandmother had given me the car with 25,000 miles on it in mint condition. It only took 3 years for me to tear it up.
    I should be shot.

