17 February 2013

She wishes she had more time to read

1st Prize Contemporary Issues Single - Micah Albert/USA/Redux Images - April 3, 2012, Nairobi, Kenya. Pausing in the rain, a woman working as a trash picker at the 30-acre dump... wishes she had more time to look at the books she comes across. She even likes the industrial parts catalogs. “It gives me something else to do in the day besides picking [trash],” she said.
For the last post today, I've selected a photo from The Big Picture's compilation of winners from the 2013 World Press photo competition.
For over 55 years, the World Press Photo contest has encouraged the highest standards in photojournalism. The contest is judged by leading experts in visual journalism who represent various aspects of the profession and the composition of the jury is changed from year to year... The winners themselves uphold the foundation's simple mission statement: We exist to inspire understanding of the world through quality photojournalism.
One goal I have for TYWKIWDBI is to locate and repost in the blog some of the photos used in advertisements by the International Paper company in the 1960s.  The series was entitled "Send me a man who reads" and was an inspiration for me as a high school student.  I've been unable to locate these online, and will need to get hard copies of 1960s magazines from the library and photograph the ads by hand. 


  1. Here's one!

  2. Here's another!

    1. How did you find these?? Thank you, SAW!!!

    2. Googling that tagline and International Paper Company, but I did a Google image search, as well.

  3. Somewhat different but part of the same series:


  4. I adore your blog. Thanks for enriching my days! This woman is the glaneuse moderne. I just LOVE her. The lighting is straight from Millet. http://claudiaquinn.edublogs.org/files/2012/11/realism-jean-francois-millet-the-gleaners1-17qfi2p.jpg

    1. I had to look up "glaneuse moderne." Thanks for a new word. :.)

    2. Thank you, Millet it is! I knew it reminded me of the work of a painter but couldn't figure out which one. At first I thought the photo was a painting. It's quite extraordinary.

  5. I found this, the address at the bottom makes me think they might print them up for you. They offer reprints of that ad, so I'm assuming they'd be willing to do the others..


    1. Thank you, James. I wrote to them years ago without success, but perhaps if I use that address my query might reach the right person.

      Many thanks.

  6. Powerful and beautiful image (and a new phrase for me as well)- "glaneuse moderne" indeed. Good luck with the search for these adverts. I'll look forward to seeing them.

  7. This photo reminded me of one I captured in Kathmandu, Nepal. I titled the photo "So much. So little." Here it is - http://jane-thejourneyisthereward.tumblr.com/image/16872569687

    Love your blog - I learn something from it every single day!
