07 February 2013

Miss Sausage Queen of 1955

Via Retronaut.


  1. And Lady Gaga thought she was being original.

  2. Lady Gaga?
    What about Jana Sterbak? She came up with the idea years before Lady Gag-me.

    1. I don't like her either hence the sarcastic remark. But I guess its hard to tell in text. Also I may be a little young to know who that is or just uncultured enough that I did not know who Jana was until googling her. From what it looks like, anything that Gaga has done, has been done before.

    2. Nah - I don't think you're too young or uncultured. Probably has more to do with the fact that Jana Sterbak is a Canadian artist, and has never had much of a presence in the United States - at least not for many years years. She tends to exhibit more in Canada or Europe. Her meat dress caused quite a stir years ago when it was exhibited at the Nat'l Gallery of Canada. My wife went to see it months after the opening, by which time it had essentially turned to beef jerky!
      And I couldn't agree more about Lady Whatever. Boring, derivative copycat.

  3. My husband's been looking up some local history, including a now-defunct tradition of crowning an [insert common produce type here] queen. Fortunately she only had to carry a boquet of the stuff! This got a laugh.

  4. A lesson in how a lady should dress in good taste.

  5. I think there was an episode of Dance Moms where one of the girls had to dress up in sausages to advertise for the teacher's husband's business...

  6. What, no Abigail Froman jokes? Anyone? Anyone?


  7. Just be careful not to type "Miss Sausage Queen" into a search engine in this day and age...

  8. It's telling that the first thing I noticed was the itty bitty bulge where her skirt is tied on. You would *never* see that in a contemporary photo. That, and the shadow of flesh on her raised arm and thigh would be photoshopped away--any proof that she is a living creature made of flesh.
