17 February 2013


“What I’ve said tonight matters little if we don’t come together to protect our most precious resource, our children,” – president Barack Obama, February 12. [from the State of the Union address, in reference to the shootings at Newtown]

“‘Ten civilians were killed last night in a joint Afghan and American operation that took place in Chogam Valley in Shigal District,’ said Fazlullah Wahidi, the provincial governor. He said four women, one man and five children between the ages of 8 and 13 were killed; four teenagers were wounded, three of whom were girls,” – NYT, February 13.

Found at The Dish.


  1. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2013/01/17/drudge-links-obama-to-tyrants-who-have-used-chi/192297


    1. Does anyone else find that links without comment are annoying? At least tell why we should follow the link. Without comment, I don't bother because it seems like SPAM.

  2. Politicians are usually alike. Say one thing, act differently. I'm not going to sort them out between "parties" anymore. They're all in it for themselves, not us.

  3. Right, he said OUR children. The murdering of THEIR children is just necessary collateral damage. If only Afghan children were a resource as valuable to America as American children.

    1. Don't forget that the Taliban and our other opponents in this war on terror have occasionally used women and children as shields to protect them from American firepower. And they have been known to use women and children as suicide bombers. Something to think about.

    2. Something else to think about...


  4. Completely unrelated. We do need to protect our children from the acts of crazy INDIVIDUALS. As a nation, we make rational decisions to take actions that will be debated for the rest of human history.

    Here's a better one for the Afghanistan story:

    Total number killed in attacks in New York: 2,753
    Number of people who lost a spouse or partner in the attacks: 1,609
    Estimated number of children who lost a parent: 3,051

  5. It's not the Afghan/Iraqi/Pakistani kids' fault they were born where they were born Anon @3:46. If we continue bombing innocent children we will only see more 9/11's in the future. It's called blowback.
