19 February 2013

If you're in the 1%, don't watch this animated short

Created by Ed Asner.


  1. The claim that "everything was swell" in the past and "everybody thought it was OK" in the past is utter fiction. Life has never been fair anywhere, and never been particularly fair in the United States.

    Nothing has really changed... That is the error of this video.

    1. Yes, everything was swell when America manufactured, & everyone who wanted to work had a job. You know, before we were sold to the highest bidders.

    2. Economic inequality has steadily grown for decades, wages have remained stagnant, social mobility, or the chance of climbing up the ladder has grown less and less likely over the years, until the point now where many other Western countries beat us on all these factors. Conversely, the extremely wealthy have only gotten wealthier while concentrating their wealth among fewer of themselves. They have kicked away the ladder from the rest of us. This is not healthy for a country. These are not opinions, they are facts. Simply saying "life is unfair" is not a legitimate, or fact based argument.

    3. Anyone who thinks everything was better in the past hasn't been reading their history. If you want it in novel form, perhaps "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair would give you a feel for how great things used to be.

  2. Sounds like Occupy Wall Street is popping its shallow little head up again! LOL! Pretty lamb since everything said is either completely inaccurate or portrayed unrealistically.

  3. Pandering of the whole "1%" terminology aside, why would you want the supposed 1% to watch this?

  4. "Created by Ed Asner" tells you all you need to know about the vomit that infuses this smarmy little project. Get your heads right.

    1. What a cogent, adult criticism.... "Wahhh!, I don't like the narrator!"

  5. This is such a tremendous oversimplification of the real problems facing our country that it manages to be insulting. The Occupy Wall Street movement was very vocal in depicting the 1% to be villains, but they never succeeded in being nearly as whiny as Ed Asner does here. This video reduces Rich People to the level of Disney villains but gives them even less motivation for their actions, removing any possible chance at having an honest discussion about how wealth inequality in this country continues to worsen and what can be done to correct it.

    Also, was there ever a time when anyone said that teachers are the cause of all of our country's financial problems?

    1. Absolutely there was. Wisconsin and just about every city and state with strong teachers unions. They have been attacked by neoliberals who are funded by people like The Kochs, Waltons, and The Gates. Attacked by both the right wing and Democrats. This of course is ridiculous because union membership is at its lowest levels in American history, so if unions are to blame then we should all be prospering because they're weaker than they have ever been.

      Also I love how every critic posting here about this video has not been able to back up any of their criticisms with any kind of facts or counter-evidence to show that the basic premise of the video is wrong. That's because it's not wrong.

    2. It is tough to counter an argument that has offered absolutely no concrete facts.

  6. I agree- totally inaccurate; the people don't understand- as clearly evidenced by most of the comments above...

  7. But rich people are Disney Villains. They nominated Romney who was ever a cartoon meanie if ever I saw one.

    And don't dis Occupy. I saw more scary stuff at #D12 Houston than you ever saw. Folks in Oakland and New York had it even worse. We are underground for now, but we will be back. The fact that the FBI made a kill list of Occupy leaders shows we were on the right track. Five people I know were on the kill list. We will be back. Expect us.

    1. Occupy definitely had the correct idea, but I think it would be far more beneficial to take it straight to DC where the laws & loopholes are conjured up in favor of Wallstreet.

  8. Very poor video. Oversimplification is rampant, with few facts and a whole lot of rhetoric. Also, when was the lack of funding the main problem with the education system, as this video seems to indicate?

    The awful bailout by the government is about the only good take-away from this video, though it too has numerous issues. Some rich people are to blame for some of the problems in this country, but this video seems to indicate every rich person is an evil, selfish crook.


  9. The only thing missing is the TRILLIONS that the Bush administration stole from us to aid the 1%.

    1. Let's keep this fair. Bailouts occurred during both Bush's and Obama's terms in office.

    2. I was referring to the war related thefts long before the bailouts, which wouldn't have occurred if the foxes hadn't been guarding the henhouse. Facts are fair.

  10. One thing RIGHT in this video is the depiction of politicians. Heheheh. Another thing would be the blindness of the voters....

    Otherwise, simplistic? Yes. Overly so. Entertaining? A bit, especially in context. Accurate? Very likely this is completely accurate in a sliver of the cases of "one percenters" but I look dimly on those who bang their drums to the beat of "international rich-people conspiracy."

    So, sticking with the overly simplistic theme of the video (I admit, I got bored less than half way through it), what's the solution? Flat income tax? Higher sales and use taxes and reduced income taxes? Penalties for being "rich" (whatever the hell that means)? Or should we just go full tilt and tell rich people to get out?

    I guess the bottom line for me on this video is that it doesn't seem useful to rile up class anger except insofar as creating instability. Once you have that instability, you risk having some major problems that affect everyone equally. So I see this video as hollow name-calling without any real purpose.

  11. Can't believe there are people pointing out that the video is a cartoon caracature, as though this constitutes a refutation. Er, yeah, and there aren't any actual money towers either.
