25 January 2013

Sad Abe, Happy Abe

This works - I tried it last night.

Via Humor Train and my old favorite Tacky Raccoons.


  1. Happy Abe kind of reminds me of Mel Brooks.

  2. Same thing happens with the Queen on British Banknotes.

  3. It was highly amusing to discover that this works on Australian currency as well, and by extension, should work on any currency at all, as long as the face is facing forward. It should work on any similar portrait, as long as the paper can be folded.

  4. creepy, not scary, just makes him look like a drunken bum -- don't do that!

  5. I always thought the new Abe looked a lot like Travis Bickle. "You talkin' to me?"

  6. Here in the European Union €-countries we don't have anymore bills with persons. There are only bridges and windows and things like that - maybe with folding it could be possible to get them ruined or collapsed.
