22 December 2012

Re video games and gun violence

Found at imgur.


  1. Actually took me a minute to get it. I made another comment elsewhere about the whole armed-guards-at-school thing. That it is painstakingly obvious that that same manpower (and firepower) would be better suited for places where violence is more pervasive. Yes, proof the NRA's arguments are tone-deaf and poorly thought thru, likely caused by cognitive dissonance.

  2. There's been a "resource officer" (read: police officer) at my kids schools for years now... don't know how many points they have gotten in GTA.

  3. Interesting and relevant:

  4. A silhouette target of this type is usually used in law enforcement training. I am a member of a local sportsmen club that has a ban on any human silhouette targets (zombie or otherwise) at the range. This is not a unique rule. Most respectable ranges have the same rule in effect. While this picture might paint your anti-NRA narrative nicely, it is inaccurate -- much like most of the anti-gun information from the left.

    1. Im part of the NRA and I found what he said to be laughable...clearly he did not think his speech through to use the Video game/Hollywood arguement.

    2. So you're saying only police are made violent by shooting fake humans for points?

  5. It ain't about video games. It's more about mental illness. And even more about the current failed "solution" to so-called gun violence, and that's the "gun free" zone.

    Most of these "rampage shootings" have two things in common: They're done by men, and they're done in "gun free" zones. Now, we could get rid of men, but that might not work out in the long run.

  6. It's getting harder to distinguish between fake and real human targets. The aim of most video game makers is to make the experience of shooting and killing humans as real as possible. Reapeated exposure to such stimulation will make it far more likely that some disturbed players will carry their game play into reality.

  7. There is plenty of research not showing a link between playing video games and real life. There is also plenty of research showing a clear link between the presence of guns and homicides.
