31 December 2012

Found under a bed

In Panama.  Discussed at Reddit, where the consensus is that living in a cold climate and shoveling snow is not so bad when you consider that we don't have to contend with mama scorpions carrying a litter of babies...


  1. I'm perfectly happy with snow, sore back and all. I have nothing against bugges personally, as long as they stay far away from me.

  2. Oh, yuck. I hate to see that in a photo, let alone in person. lol

  3. I'm really happy between the two extremes. There are scorpions in the desert, but I live about 3 miles from the beach.

  4. Happy New Year to everybody - from a paradisiac island in South America, at 34°C.

  5. They are surprisingly tiny. I've vacuumed up 2 this year in my home in Texas. Usually my dogs alert me that one is around.

  6. While vacationing in Texas in my youth, I captured a scorpion to bring home to Ohio. On the long car ride back home, I discovered that I had captured a momma scorpion who gave birth to a back-full of young. I was pretty excited about this and thought I might be the only scorpion breeder in Ohio. However, I didn't know the scorpion's diet, and so when I caught a grasshopper in Missouri to feed my momma and her young, I unwittingly and indirectly caused her death and the demise of her several offspring as the antsy grasshopper hopped and kicked about in the half-pound sized coffee can I was transporting them in. So much for my career as an arachnologist...

  7. A very funny incident ids mentioned by conservationist Gerald Durrell in his book "My family and other animals"
