07 September 2012

"Cigarette magic"

Via BoingBoing.


  1. Following the links afterwards got me to a video of him doing a variation of the trick in the video of the Chinese performers a few weeks ago.

    1. very good find. I remember seeing that long ago and had totally forgotten about it. Tx, xcentric.

  2. I saw an old lady doing similar conjuring tricks years ago at a bar in the Algarve. She didn't call it magic - my translator said she called it something like we would call juggling or sleight-of-hand. After a few - okay, quite a few - drinks, we managed to persuade her to show us a little of how she did it. It's classic misdirection technique, with some very well-done palming. Nothing fancy, but mesmerizing if done well by someone who loves their craft. Bravo!
