04 August 2012

Yes, I KNOW "MobileMe" has been discontinued

I never used it anyway.  Now, how do I tell my iMac that it doesn't need to remind me with this furshlugginer pop-up every time I load images on the computer or start up iPhoto.  Surely I'm not the only one plagued by this annoyance.

Addendum:  Problem solved.  See comments.


  1. Open iPhoto, go to Preferences, delete any MobileMe accounts from the Sharing options.

    If that doesn't do it, let me know and I can get you more details or other options.

    A software upgrade may also take care of it if that is an option for you.

    1. Thank you, xcentric; I had been trying to find MobileMe on my computer without success.

      As you suggested, I opened iPhoto's Preferences and I didn't find any MobileMe accounts listed. BUT... when I unchecked "look for shared accounts" that seems to have solved the problem.

      I owe you two internets. Tx.
