26 July 2012

Why do some people want to squish turtles ?

The data in this video may be soft, but there certainly is evidence that some drivers purposely swerve out of their lane in order to kill animals.

When I lived in Texas and drove to Oklahoma for rockhounding trips, I remember swerving on rural roads to avoid tarantulas.   I guess I can understand locals wanting to eliminate them.  But turtles???  Can someone explain?

Addendum:  Larry has reminded me about post turtles.  Question for readers in Texas - are they real, or apocryphal?


  1. I first encountered the idea when I read the Grapes Of Wrath. I was perplexed at what would make someone swerve to hit an animal. I was hoping it was just literary license, but I guess not. I'm still hoping the term Post Turtle doesn't have a basis in reality, but I suspect it does.

    I think it comes down to the simple fact that some people are a-holes.

    1. I had forgotten all about post turtles! Thanks for the reminder. I've added a comment/question to the post.

    2. It's also mentioned in Pay Conroy's novel, "The Great Santini."

  2. I've seen people swerve to hit a dog. Everyone I told acted like oh no, that's ridiculous, it just looked that way, it can't be true that they meant to hit the dog. And young kids, boys, are not exactly famous for their compassion and altruism, hence the turtles doomed to starve to death on the tip of a fence post.

  3. It's simply a concession to a most base human desire - to kill with impunity: after all they're just animals. And the accompanying thrill the exercise that power brings is the reward.

  4. Lived in and driven all around Texas and have never seen a "post" turtle. I did once found a turtle on the road way--I just stopped and moved him over to the other side.

  5. Hearing that people do this makes me want to swerve to hit humans.

    1. And that makes you better.

    2. It doesn't. One of those cases of poor behavior inspiring more poor behavior in retaliation. Also, just b/c it gives me that desire, doesn't mean I will act on it obviously. (especially since I have no car and never drive)

  6. Awesome, I love home science. I used to love reading all of the psychology studys when I was getting my psych degree. If there is actual data I would be interested to see it. I don't think I'll come back to this so if you read this email me, Gibmiser at Gmail.com

    1. Since you won't be coming back, you won't learn how to spell "studies", or that you should say "if there ARE data." Also, your comma after "awesome" should be a period. And there shoud be a comma after "back to this" and one after "read this."

    2. Nazis. I hate Nazis.


  7. Dangerous experiment. I am pretty sure what he did is illegal.
    1. those who stopped - likely the best people on earth could have been hit by their polar opposites:
    .....A. they were paying attention while driving. Amazing!
    .....B. posses compassion. Amazing!
    2. how many folks who stopped this time will see this vid and say, 'never falling for that again' and perhaps not stop for the next roadside thing in need of assistance?
    3. the turtle is by far the largest object, casting a shadow and more visible than his other targets.
    4. How many people are now going to take a foam turtle, puppy, kitten, etc. and put something big and sharp inside of it? I have to admit, I want to watch THAT video.

  8. Does the video show a turtle getting squished? Because if it does, I don't want to watch it. But if it doesn't, I'm curious to see what it's about.


    1. No, just foam/rubber versions. It's safe...

  9. My first husband used to try to run over cats. He was a sick person--tried to throw me down outside stairs when I was 8 months pregnant.

    1. Never understood why people wound up getting pregnant by, or married to people that they don't like.
      Did you just go with the flow on everything?
