15 July 2012

Joe Paterno loses his halo

A remarkable piece of public art you'll find in downtown State College is a painted wall mural approximately 100 feet long and 2 two stories tall. The mural entitled, Inspiration" is by mural artist, Michael Pilato. The painting is rather a unique work of art for it features real persons who have a connection to Centre County, Pennsylvania, and has embedded themes. Although the likeness of Coach Joe Paterno of Penn State University is easily recognizable, there are obviously other notable people such as the man holding 3 Olympic medals, a Heismann trophy winner, two soldiers from the Civil War and WWI, etc.
The above description of the Heister Street mural in State College was written years before the recent scandal.  The mural was an ongoing project to which the artist was adding images each year; when someone died, a halo was painted above their head; this year the artist painted over Joe Paterno's halo.
Pilato went on to explain that Sue Paterno has said her husband was never a saint, so he felt that the halo should be removed after the release of the Freeh report. A blue ribbon — symbolizing support for child abuse victims — remains on Paterno’s jacket.

Graham Spanier’s [college president] picture still remains on the mural, much to many viewers’ dismay. Pilato said, though, that he thinks someone else will remove Spanier before he does. People have already thrown eggs at Spanier’s painting.
Text from Onward State.  Image from Associated Press, via PennLive.


  1. Risky thing, to deify those still alive. One thing the catholics get right, no beatifying until long past death, after the ugly stories have a chance to surface. Before death is way, way too soon.

  2. Pinning a blue ribbon in support of child abuse prevention on Paterno is a greater insult than any halo. His action, or lack thereof, showed his true concern was retaining his power base at PSU rather than any concern for the welfare of children. Disgraceful.

    1. Seriously, glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought the same. This stupid college football program has these folks turned into fanatics without moral compasses.

  3. What anonymous said. I simply cannot understand how anyone who knew what was going on, and especially those that actually saw Sandusky raping a child, could NOT report it, and not rest until the abuse was stopped.

    1. It was reported. The people it was reported to simply cared more about Paterno's wrath and the reputation of the school/football program.

      Really warms the heart.
