02 June 2012

Thieves of Girl Scout cookie money

This is an old video (2008) which I'll post as a "test of your equanimity."  It consists of four minutes of interviews with two girls who swiped money from a Girl Scout selling cookies.

The discussion thread at Reddit has links to reports of subsequent illegal behavior and violation of probation, and postulates that the glaring lack of remorse is indicative of a sociopathic personality.

The "equanimity test" is to see how many minutes of the video you can watch before having an urge to punch the girl in the face.  Even bleeding-heart liberals will have difficulty passing the test.

Quotable quotes:
"I was really pissed because I should have been able to keep that money..."

"I feel bad it was a 9-year-old girl, but it was $150 in that envelope and I wanted that money.  And it was mine..."

"It's not HER money..."

"Why did you do it? "  "I mean, who doesn't like money..."

"I know it's a crime, but it's an easy crime..."
There are probably more, but I can't even keep watching.


  1. This must be fake, nobody can be this amoral.

  2. These girls might be considered psychopaths rather than sociopaths. Found the article below which states ”Sociopaths were thought to act within the law; psychopaths violated the law.”


    Also found it interesting that “In 1835, English psychiatrist James Pritchard coined the term moral insanity for criminals who had no self-control nor sense of ethics.”

  3. In April 2012 Stephanie Woods (the second girl in the video) was accused of violating her probation.


  4. These girls are disgusting! I'm sure they'll move onto bigger & 'better' crimes than just stealing money from a 9 year old.

    A couple of losers.

  5. I am a bleeding heart liberal, and didn't even watch a second of it. I was a Brownie, and my girls were Bluebirds and then Campfire Girls (who sold candy). Anyone who would steal from little kids who are trying to raise money for their organization is beyond despicable, but these girls are in a category (I hope) by themselves.

  6. I love these girls. They epitomize what's going on around them. Wall Street ethos, "Hey, it's no one's money I can take it". They do need to find the youtube video by the ex-cop about not talking.

  7. Does any of the commentary talk about the likelihood these girls were high and/or regular drug users? Or FASD? It's a short video, I do wonder about the bigger story behind it... Anyway, definitely hard to listen to, but I didn't want to punch them in the face. I give props to the journalist, to keep the interview going...

  8. "Who doesn't like money?"

    "Money is money it (the crime) doesn't really matter to me"

    Gordon Gekko would have loved to adopt these two girls if only they weren't that dumb...It is a great lesson, this vid, you know. These two psychopaths/thiefs look pretty normal; they don't seem to be any drug users or teens from very poor/dysfunctional families. Of course there might be a bigger story behind their behaviour, there always is one, but at first glance they seem just two callously selfish girls without any imagination or empathy to speak of. They just know money rules their little world and they want it. The more the better.

  9. Interesting. Their reactions are typical of a young who has yet to face up to what they've done. Small children often don't show any remorse when first tackled about something they've done wrong, that comes a while later when it sinks in that they've been naughty.
    As they get older children tend to realise sooner and drop the rather extreme bravado that you can see here.

    To me, it appears that they are just stuck at a very young age - the "I want a biscuit so I'll take a biscuit" stage. I often work with Nursery age children - 3/4 year olds, and this is very similar to what you see there.

  10. get your cash out boys, future crack head hoes

  11. "Yeah, well, whatever ..." So terribly sad. In my opinion, there's more to this than meets the eye.

  12. I've seen girls like these before and makes me wonder if they were so so spoiled rotten they don't know right from wrong , or they might be drug users , definitely a tragedy in morals. I see a tough future for those kids .

  13. Y'all were able to watch longer than I was.

  14. I remember seeing some of this when it first appeared, and I can't even read the transcript of their comments. Such a skewed view of life, so empty and pointlessly cruel. These are the kind of women who abuse men as well as any children in their world, but see nothing wrong with it.

  15. I thought sociopaths were supposed to be charming and intelligent.

  16. "bleeding heart liberal", I don't know about that. I do consider myself to be a progressive, and hard left. Do we like crime or something? Neither look poor, and they don't appear to be living in poor conditions. Their crime seems to be purely for kicks, and they have no remorse for stealing from the less powerful, which others have mentioned looks like a possible sign of some kind of mental illness. I agree with some of the other commenters, they'd make good Wall Streeters. Maybe their folks can get them into Harvard Business School.

    1. I agree. Wouldn't "true Christians" or "Jesus Christ himself" fit better than "bleeding-heart liberal" in "Even bleeding-heart liberals will have difficulty passing the test"? Although bleeding-heart liberals are known for compassion and forgiveness, that is usually directed towards people less fortunate (eg the Girl Scout victims), and they are motivated at least as much by a thirst for justice and fairness. No true bleeding-heart liberal would sympathize much with the thief. Perhaps someone following Christ's example, and has love for all, even thieves, would have sympathy.

  17. Say what you want about them, but you can't fault their self-esteem.

  18. I guess I don't have a bleeding heart. The only response I had was to laugh that she would actually say things that were so inappropriate.

  19. 'Cause we needed more money for our Starbucks addiction. I couldn't watch the whole thing but for some reason focused on her Starbucks drink. Pretty pricey drink for a girl with no money. Maybe that's how the journalist got the interview. Like dangling a carrot in front of a reluctant mule.
