23 September 2015

"Pageant child"

The dialogue in this news clip about the "toddlers and tiaras" trend is predictable, banal, and not very informative to the extent that I wound up muting it.  But the behavior of the child is interesting.  Perhaps she's just a normal five-year-old girl acting up when she sees a camera or monitor.  Or maybe she's been in a few too many pageants...

Via Everlasting Blort.


  1. Haha! That's a five-year-old who sees herself in a large live monitor for the first time. Any kid that age would probably do the same, or worse.

  2. Looks like a normal five year old to me, other than the big hair, make-up, etc.
    If I am ever interviewed on tv I'd probably do the same thing. :)

  3. Reminds me of one of my students - bright, talented girl who just can't sit still - and she's nine! Just a normal, non-shy five-year-old.
    But plucked eyebrows and makeup? Sad.

  4. That was my 4 1/2 year old kid... exactly. Just a girl, with more makeup than he usually wears.

  5. Think the Mom should be slapped up side the head. The poor kid is probably ruined for life.

  6. that seems like a normal kid excited to see herself!

  7. I just can't stand the makeup, hairdos, clothes, and the whole pageant thing. She may be a normal 5-year-old, but I can't imagine she'll stay normal very long. This seems to be the epitome of turning children into vapid stereotypes who will grow up with really unhealthy attitudes about themselves and their place in the world. I think it's serious child abuse.
