06 June 2012

The new Sim City

I've played Sim City since the original version was released in the early 1990s, and from that frame of reference I'm in awe of the graphics in the newest version, shown in the trailer above (via BoingBoing).


  1. I've always loved SimCity having played every version since the Commodore64 and Amiga versions and even the versions on Wii and iPhone. I am always amazed at the improvements in all the aspects of this game...from the graphics to the simulation engine itself.

  2. "...since the original version was released in the early 1990s..."
    "Early 90s" didn't sound right to me, and Lo! Wikipedia says first released in 1989 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SimCity :)

  3. At LAST a new Sim City game with a 3D camera is coming out after a whole decade. After SimCity Societies (not even developed by Maxis), I was pretty sure that EA Games had just abandoned the notion that its customers enjoy intelligent entertainment.

  4. It's astonishingly realistic. I have to wonder, what does it do to us if we casually play the game and "for fun" allow the buildings to rot or burn or the sims to suffer? Most rational people can distinguish between a game and reality, but with this edition, the line grows thinner.

  5. Have you seen The Sims 3? The video doesn't work, so I can't compare them directly, but the world in The Sims 3 is beautiful. The characters leave a lot to be desired and I've gone back to The Sims 2 (which I've played for almost eight years, over 60 years in game time) because the gameplay isn't as good, but...the world is stunning.
