09 May 2012

CCC stonework at Sibley State Park, Minnesota

This summer I hope to resume traveling and documenting stonework created by the Civilian Conservation Corps.  In the meantime, here is a look at a tower at the peak of Mt. Tom, at Sibley State Park in west-central Minnesota.  The stonework is reasonably characteristic of the CCC, in that local stone has been used, intentionally mixing different colors for a more interesting visual effect. 

A plaque at the base of the observation tower noted that the deck was a recent addition to the original monument, shown here in an old postcard:

To appreciate the amount of work that went into the construction of this marker, note first the size/weight of the stones, and then notice that individual blocks have been hand-hewn to create corners, and then they were assembled in that complex octagonal arrangement.  All this for a "simple" marker (and rain refuge) in what at the time was a remote and seldom-used state park.  I have a lot of respect for the stonemasons of the CCC.

Top photograph by Elly Vortex (a TYWKIWDBI reader), posted in her blog, Tales of the Witch of November, which features explorations of hiking trails in Minnesota.


  1. Wars may be a waste of money but at least the CCC (or as some refer to it "the standing army preperations") gave us treasures such as these that generations can appreciate. What will we have to show our posterity for the bailout?

  2. Don't miss the CCC built lodge at Mount Hood, it's a masterpiece

  3. I look forward to your reactivation. Your other blog is where I first found you, following my own interest in CCC stonework here in the West. You enrich my curiousity. Thanks!

    1. Do you have a blog - or have you posted any photos online?

    2. I'm not in your league at all, Stan. This is what I do whilst I read yours: http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Chingachgook/duck

      But I've been fascinated by the CCC rockwork since I was a child.

    3. Do you sell them, or the pattern? Can readers contact you?

  4. Ditto Timberline Lodge at Mt. Hood! It's fantastic. (Gallery linked to my name, if you want a look.)

    1. Those are some seriously excellent photos, Jan. And some awesome interior stonework.

      Bookmarked. Thank you.

  5. Whenever I see CCC I think of cupcake cakes.

    Sorry. Just had to let that out. (*•_•)

    I'm pretty sure the link works. (click my name)
