09 March 2012

"Payback is a bitch"

Rush Limbaugh closed the first hour of his radio show on his flagship station, WABC, with 1:03 of dead air on Thursday... At least 46 advertisers have reportedly dropped their ads from Limbaugh's radio show since his attacks on Fluke.


  1. Trouble is, I'm sure inside his head he probably thinks what he said was justified and right and that everyone else must be wrong.
    It seems quite a common pattern of thought.

    Obviously it doesn't apply to me 'cos I genuinely AM RIGHT.

  2. The source for this is Media Matters?

    Wow...you guys really fall for propaganda don't you?

    Where was Media Matters and TYWKIWDBI when Ed Shultz called Laura Ingram a “right-wing slut” and a “talk slut.”?

    Where was Media Matters and TYWKIWDBI Bill Mahar when he insulted Sarah Palin and called her a c*nt?

    Oh....I guess your source of information Media Matters did not report on that...

    It is one thing to listen to propaganda it is another to repeat it...

    I used to enjoy TYWKIWDBI but now that I realize you are nothing but a propaganda parrot you are off MY favorites list...


    1. What did I do? Was the information wrong?

    2. Townhall finance reports seven advertisers pulled ads; they don't mention any dead air -


      - but Business Insider says there were five minutes of dead air -


    3. Clearly you tricked Cliff into thinking he liked the site.

    4. And fwiw, I actually went through a "dittohead" phase in the early 90s, listening to Rush when he was critical of the Clinton administration and seemed to be speaking truth to power. I gave up on him later when his broadcasts became more mean-spirited.

      But there's not much point in replying further to Cliff, who's now gone...

    5. I believe he's referencing this article: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/03/04/rush-limbaugh-s-apology-liberal-men-need-to-follow-suit.html

    6. Except that poor girl is not a media figure, making millions offering opinions.

    7. Thanks for the insight Cliff. This was my first time here visiting the site but now I won't be back. I don't need more of this. Both sides are awful and just agree. Keep out of politics unless you truly want to represent both sides and show them for what they are. Don't assume superiority. Too bad, this site had promise.

  3. I started a long winded comment about this whole name calling, lewd comment making, disrespecting mess, but it boils down to EVERYONE CUT IT OUT!!! I don't care who you are, stop it already!!! As my mother used to say, "Because I said so."

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

    And Stan, I don't consider you a propaganda parrot. No, I kinda see you as an information owl.

  4. Personally, I think it would be a lot more effective if the advertisers pulled out of the stations that broadcast his show. Only two radio stations actually dropped his show in response to his misogynistic rant.

  5. I'm curious as to why there would be any dead air time. Even if they were missing sponsors, wouldn't he just fill that time with his program? Perhaps there is a simple answer to that, but it just doesn't make sense to me.

    1. I was curious myself. When I googled that question, I came across this link:


      1. It is a business.
      2. Rush Limbaugh owns 5 minutes of advertising that he can re-sell, the rest are for the station to sell.
      3. I have no idea if the "dead air" was the fault of him or the station's advertising salespeople (Anyone remember Herb Tarleck?)
      4. Radio shows are "live" only in that they are packaged to include time for commercial breaks.

  6. I won't leave you because I really enjoy your Blog.
    Do I think that you are Left Wing? Hell yeah.
    That won't keep me from visiting.
    There are plenty out their further to the left.

    That said,
    Why the Title of the post?
    If you are offended by Rush's use of the S word, then why on Earth would you use a B word in the title of this post?
    It's kind of like driving your truck to a rally protesting SUV's.
    Maybe you were not offended?
    I know that the words are not Equivalent, but both are derogatory terms aimed at women.
    I think Rush's comments were way out of line, and I don't blame advertisers for pulling the plug.
    If you want to be Giddy about Dead air time on the EIB network, go ahead, but remember why the dead air is there.

    1. I don't think Payback will be offended. It's not the words you use, it's what you mean by them.

    2. Come on now, you must be able to see the difference between calling a woman a s*** and using a common idiom.

    3. I agree and will pile on here. You're saying that if at a party I tell people that my midterm Chemistry exam was a bitch, that I should then apologize to the girls in the room? They would use the same word. It has nothing to do with sex or gender, when it's used that way.

  7. The free market is a harsh mistress and a vicious disciplinarian.

  8. The part that keeps getting glazed over by people, especially those from the right, is that this was not that he called Fluke a "slut." Terms such as this are now common discourse by commentators. (That's another topic.) This was just the tip of the iceberg of three days of continual personal attacks against a woman whose only crime was speaking her mind for women's rights in front of congress. She otherwise is not a public figure. The term I have heard from other political commentators is she is a "noncombatant" in the realm of dirty politics.

  9. I was appalled when I heard that rant. (One of them, anyway.) How low can he go? It's like an experiment to see how long people will put up with him as he sinks lower and lower into total vulgarity. The man is a pig.

  10. A rather flagrant use of the term by CNN -


  11. Limbaugh has to fill 3 hours of airtime five days a week. He has to repeat himself over and over again which explains why he might have been repeating a trope.I've listened to him four or five times over the years on long car drives. You can't take him seriously. I mean really, he deafened himself using oxycotin while agitating to lock up drug addicts.I put him in the same boat (240 foot yacht) as Arriana Huffington. They don't have any deeply held beliefs other than that they like money.

  12. The problem I have with this incident is that Mr. Limbaugh was attacking a private citizen. Laura Ingraham and Sarah Palin are public figures. For better or for worse, publishing or throwing your hat in the political ring leaves you open to all kinds of attacks. Additionally, being in the public view allows you to counter arguments. Ms. Fluke did not have that opportunity.

  13. I knew there would probably be another side to the story other than the one from Media Matters. Here is a link. http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/03/media-matters-astroturfed-the-limbaugh-secondary-boycott/
    Also interesting comments in the comment section regarding Carbonite.

  14. Further followup, May 2012:

    The head of one of the biggest radio companies in the country said Monday that the advertiser boycott of Rush Limbaugh cost him "millions" in 2012.

    Lew Dickey, the CEO of Cumulus, was speaking to financial analysts about his companies' results. The boycott -- which saw scores of advertisers leave after Limbaugh called law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" because of her birth-control advocacy -- had "hit us pretty hard."
