01 March 2012

Newspaper advertising revenues at 60-year low

The graph is for print newspaper ads, but when online advertisements are added, the 2011 total is still at 1954 levels.  Discussed at Carpe Diem, via The Dish.


  1. Considering almost the entire value of Google is based upon advertising revenue (97% of 2010 revenue), I'd think online advertisements would raise that number up quite a bit.

    In fact, I checked, and it appears Google had $36 billion in advertising revenue in 2011. That would push the number up closer to 1990-2005 levels, not even including the tens of thousands of advertising-based websites out there (including many of the print newspapers own sites)

    Reference: http://investor.google.com/financial/tables.html

    1. My comment re "online advertisements" referred only to revenues from the online versions of printed paper newspapers.

  2. I really hope that the Los Angeles Times in printed-on-paper, delivered-to-the house form outlives me. I need my newspaper first thing in the morning!

  3. What's a "newspaper"? Is it like a blog?
