07 February 2012

How do you define public indecency ??

Via Reddit.


  1. I have been wondering about this too. The view our society has on what is decent or not is quite skewed.

  2. Don't forget about a few of the commercials which were basically women's ass-ets selling domain services, or bending over ladies magically transforming into cars for guys to drive......

  3. Can someone explain to an Englishman what on earth this is about, please?

    1. This is the "controversial" portion of Madonna's Super Bowl's Half Time show. In America, gyrating and pelvic thrusting is deemed ok, while middle fingers and brief glimpses of bejeweled nipples will cause society to implode.

    2. Our one finger salute is the same as your (palm inward) two finger salute: "F You"

    3. I learned that when I tried to ask for two of something :/

    4. Who's Madonna? Wait, isn't she that entertainer who flipped the whole sex paradigm on its head by empowering women to use their sexuality to... uh, nevermind.

  4. Great point! It's all indecent . . . but parents are the ones who should be protecting their children. It would help if marketing gurus weren't so determined to use sex to sell everything. I mean, are M&M's such a tough sell that you have to use jokes about nakedness to get people to buy them? What many call progressive thinking and open mindedness is really just a sinking to the lowest common denominator. It's LAZY!

    1. What many call progressive thinking and open mindedness is really just a sinking to the lowest common denominator.

      I don't see how anybody would consider those Go Daddy ads to be examples of "progressive thinking", or "open mindedness". Sexist objectification of women, teaching women and girls that even if they're an accomplished athlete that they're still just a piece of meat? Definitely. Nothing smart, or progressive about them.

    2. Steve, I agree that it's NOT progressive or open minded. Unfortunately, many think that people like us need to "get with the times". It makes me so sad to see women and girls reduced to sexual objects. God intended for them to be revered and respected. Sticking with God's plan for all sexual activity to be within a marriage between a man and a woman would save this world a LOT of heartache.

    3. I see what you're trying to do but it has nothing to do with "get with the times". These ads are throwbacks to the good old days when ads like this were the norm. "God" has nothing to do with it. Way to use this opportunity to make a completely irrevelant comment that exposes your personal bigotry.

    4. @Timothy Benefield - "God intended for them to be revered and respected."

      Except witches - "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (in Exodus).

      And the "rape my daughter" story in Judges chapter 19.

      And also that god didnt "revere and respect" women who were not part of Israel -

      "Samarian infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up."

      Just rip up those pregnant women - but revere them when you do it?

    5. Another exception would be Midianite women, as it says in Numbers 31.

      17Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

      18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

  5. It all seems rather tacky. Lowest common[1] denominator stuff.

    [1] Frightfully common, I should say.

  6. The halftime program was NOT entertainment, but a highly occult ceremony.

    The MIA finger is intended for those who missed the big show to review it.

    See here:

    Dont get fooled again... No! No!

    1. Very interesting, anon. Here's part of one of the comments from the link -

      "It is all about the Illuminati Satanic Masonic Ritual Programming. Watch closely! Look at the floor, the wardrobe, the supernatural elements and defilement of God. “I fell out of the sky.”, “Just like a prayer.” L.U.V. means LUcifer Venerated. It is all about ushering in the New World Order, and The antichrist. Check out the ALL SEEING EYE and all the pyramid symbology. Not to mention the highly homosexual content both in the performance and in The Elton John commercial. FInally, Madonna is used as the Goddess DIANA as in the City of Diana= InDIANA+Polis.

      Does the wardrobe look like that of cheerleaders? No! It is Egyptian Occultism as in the letter M on the Masonic aprons. And the constant opening of the women’s legs and moving their hand to their vagina. Yes, this is vulgar, a blatant insult to every Christian in America. So many Masonic codes in this to make your head spin. The Black Magician is this man called C LO Green, hood and all! Black Satanic Mass at the Super Bowl?"

    2. My God! That sounds like it was written by my paranoid schizophrenic grandson. His latest is that he is the Enlightened Guide to usher people into the New World Order along with his friend, the King of Nigeria.

    3. Ah - I think I've had spam from him!

  7. I didn't see the half-time festivities. I changed the channel. There has not been anything good come out of the half-time programs in 40-ish+ years. Why would it change now.

    1. Seriously, Prince rocked the program out when he did it. Even got his hair wet (if you don't get that, get some culture training). It was quite entertaining.

  8. I agree with what several have been saying. The country's moral compass is heading south. The more lax the public becomes by accepting (or not protesting loud enough) indecent and immoral behavior and thoughts, the closer we come to an unGodly society.

    We need to bring God back into every aspect of our lives, before it's too late...

  9. Okay, all the talk about God here scares me seriously, as I think religion does little good in our times. Anyway, what I wanted to add something to some of the above commenters:

    I think "sex sells" because it is still a taboo topic and thus in a very weird way accepted in media and yet also frowned upon. The best thing that can be done about that is educating kids and adults about sexuality, consent, safer sex, equality of the sexes, sexism, etc. Why? Because when it is demystified, it becomes part of our lives and we can handle it with responsibility. We won't be shocked by naked bodies anymore (which would mean sex would loose it's appeal to sell stuff) and we would hopefully be more likely to point out sexism.

    So, coming back to the original post ... yeah, she obviously wanted to provocate (I haven't seen this show, I'm from germany and Super Bowl is basically unknown here). Is it indecent? Maybe ... any way I don't think it's something to freak out over. The women in the background? Way more complex to answer! Displaying sexuality shouldn't be indecent (see above stanza), but it is being made indecent by a society that would rather show guns, death and killing on TV than a naked nipple - which at the same time makes sex, like said above, a good selling point, which is the reason why it's "indecency" is ignored in this case (because sex still has shock value and is thus considered a valid selling point). Quite paradox :)

  10. And of course from 1804 comes this perfectly decent dress: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fashion_in_paris_pg40_image.png
