08 January 2012

When life gives you lemons...

Heine Braeck, 33, from Sarpsborg, Norway, has been without an right arm since he lost it during a freak accident when he was 13. Now he has decided to make the stump look like a dolpin's head with the help of Bulgarian tattooist Valio Ska.

Via Pictovista and Huffington Post (more interesting that the accompanying story about Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop.


  1. What is the lemons in the title about, please?

  2. There is an old saying, probably with variants in different countries - "When life gives you lemons [sour, unpleasant experience], make lemonade [sweet, nice experience]." Meaning to make the best use of adverse situations, as he appears to have done.

  3. This guy is pretty awesome too: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_WCpMvUYEEDY/TScvnehyaNI/AAAAAAAAAIw/qPBatIzgO8w/s1600/tet_01.jpg

  4. that's actually cool.
