04 May 2020

Fifty years ago today - the Kent State Massacre


  1. American Masters? Good heavens, do Americans really need to try to claim everything? Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but Neil Young is Canadian!

    1. @Anonymous

      If you feel Canadians should not be included in the "American Masters" series, perhaps you should contact PBS and insist that no more Canadians be profiled. Here is information on doing so:

      "We welcome your feedback about AMERICAN MASTERS. If you have a question or comment about the television series, please send an e-mail to programming@thirteen.org. For questions and comments specifically about the Web piece, please send an e-mail to web@thirteen.org."


  2. In your dreams! North Americans, maybe. Definitely NOT Americans. We can go to Cuba whenever we want, unlike our neighboUrs to the South.

  3. "In your dreams!"

    What does that even mean?

    And yes, you are "Americans", just as South Americans are "Americans" too and so are U.S. citizens. Never mind the fact that Neil Young has chosen to live in the U.S. since like 1966...............

    1. Samuel Beckett was an Irishman who lived in Paris for most of his life. Does that make him French?

      Albert Einstein was a German who lived part of his life in New Jersey. Is HE American too?

      I once saw a promo for some some idiotic program on TV that referred to Shania Twain as an "American Original" despite the fact that she's Canadian too, living in Switzerland.

      And perhaps the most bone-headedly egregious of all, I once attended an exhibition of Frida Kahlo's work that proudly touted her as "an American iconoclast". Yes, THAT Frida Kahlo - born, raised and died in Mexico.

    2. Yes, being a citizen of Mexico also makes her an "American". It's not my fault that you guys don't know about this.

  4. "The Americas, or America, are lands in the Western hemisphere, also known as the New World.

    In the English language, the Americas refers to the landmasses of North America and South America with their associated islands and regions, while America refers almost exclusively to the United States of America."

    (from Wikipedia)

    ?and what does going to Cuba have to do with anything?

    1. Etymological pedantry. If you ask someone from, say, Peoria their nationality, they're going to say "American". You ask someone from Toronto the same question, they'll say "Canadian". Ask someone from Ciudad Juarez, and they'll say "Mexican". No-one other than someone from the USA EVER refers to themselves as American.

      The Cuba reference was meant to illustrate that difference: As a Canadian, I have travelled to Cuba numerous times. If I were American, I would only be allowed to under very strictly controlled circumstances, if at all.

    2. Your argument falls to pieces once you get past the countries bordering the US. A US citizen can call themselves an "Americano" in South America but the most likely reply will be "So are we!". A point of regional solidarity and historical fact and not one taken lightly.

      Source: 5 years of living throughout South America

      Anyways, no need to be so reactionary. I'm sure Mr. Young was not offended by being labeled an "American Master". Sounds like a title of distinction rather than a declaration of nationality. Better ask for the long form birth certificate...

    3. "a title of distinction rather than a declaration of nationality"

      Correct, Ernesto. The series, which has been running for about 25 years, includes people like Milos Forman, Joni Mitchell, and Diego Rivera.

    4. "No-one other than someone from the USA EVER refers to themselves as American."

      Simply not true, as Ernesto easily pointed out. Also, I have had not just South Americans, but YES Canadians get upset and say "We're Americans TOO!". There are a lot of people who don't like that U.S. citizens get some kind of ownership of the word.

      American-North American-Canadian
      American-North American-United States citizen.

    5. btw: I am posting this with some levity, I just thought it was funny to point out that "American" was actually quite correct, just because the original Anonymous went so completely hysterical over the harmless title of a TV series on PBS, that certainly was not intended to suggest what the anonymous poster was so offended by.

  5. I was pleased to see Neil Young featured here. This is one of the few blogs where I always read the comments, so it is a shame they got started with a dose of misplaced patriotism. American Masters is an excellent documentary series and it's great that they should honour Neil Young. He's lived in the US since early in his career and written some important songs about US events and politics.

    If I can help salvage things, one of my favourite Neil Young songs is Cortez the Killer. Young alleges it was banned in Spain. I'm not certain if youtube was around when I discovered the song for myself, but somewhere I recall reading unhappy remarks from a Spaniard who associated the song with the Black Legend. I learned that it's used to refer to a representation of Spanish history that is unfairly negative to the Spanish Empire. Young says he wrote the song while studying history in high school. Something along the lines of history being written by the victors.



  6. Neil Young Rocks!....

    For a Canadian ;-)

  7. You're all remarkably eager, indeed insistent, about claiming anything "good" as American - since it's from 'the Americas' and all - but perhaps not so eager to claim ownership of the bad. By your logic, the horrific drug cartel wars and rampant police corruption plaguing Mexico must be American too, then. Ditto Canada's nightmarishly destructive tar sands. Not so eager to label those "American", huh? If we're all Americans, then why are so many fools clamouring for a border fence? Hmm...how's that shoe fit on the other foot?

    1. Well wars and tar sands are things, not people, so no I wouldn't call them "American", however the people involved can be called Americans certainly.

    2. Oh and Corey Hart is definitely just "Canadian" ;)

    3. So to extend your logic, 'things' like the Constitution or the Lincoln Memorial aren't American either. Being mere things, that is.

    4. Nope, they're American too. "The Drug Wars" are an intangible thing. So yes your sand is American too, as well as Canadian. People involved in the drug wars in Mexico are both American and Mexican. They aren't U.S. citizens, or as a lot of people South of the U.S. like to say: "USAmericans".

    5. Way to have your cake and eat it too. it's been interesting discussing this, but somewhat frustrating as you just keep changing your definitions and opinions as you feel like it.

    6. You're the one who's bent out of shape that a show called American Masters made a great documentary honoring Canadian citizen Neil Young, simply because it's called "American Masters". Not I. Do you realize how cray cray that looks?

    7. I went to mexico as a a young man. Crossing back over the border to come home, the agent let all my friends pass in front of me. When it was my turn, he asked, "What is your nationality?" I answered American" three times as he grew more frustrated. Finally, my friends turned and yelled, "Tell him United States!" I did and he let me pass. I took it he was the authority on the matter.

  8. beautiful music - thanks for posting

  9. I was only a 10 years boy when this happened. I remember it. Never discussed at home. Things were already hard enough, leave it alone. Plus, those college kids must have been asking for it.
    I see things differently now. I turned out to be a "hippie" and Neil Young is one of our great poets. Thank you.

  10. Mr. Young recently became a US citizen

  11. Uh, hello! Four dead in Ohio, anyone?

    1. What is your point?? Didn't you click on the video??
