03 January 2012

Professional shoplifter

Shoplifts a case of 24 Guinness!  This is no spur-of-the-moment theft; she's clearly an experienced (and skillful) thief.  If she can do this with a load that large and awkward, imagine how many smaller items she must have successfully lifted in the past.  It must be hard to be a retail merchant and have to deal with activity like this on a regular basis.

Via Nothing To Do With Arbroath.


  1. saw this a while ago. i'm wondering if she doesn't have some sort of harness or strap or something under that skirt.
    she makes some kind of swipe at :06 and i wonder if that isn't letting the strap down to get it ready for the cargo.

    i can't imagine she's just squeezing the case of beer between her legs and still walking away normally.

    that said, very skillful and yes, if she can do this so deftly, what else has she gotten away with lifting?

  2. Reminds me of the Asian magician and the goldfish bowl in The prestige

  3. You are right, this has got to be very difficult to detect. But, don't worry, the merchant isn't out much, you and I pay for it in the long run.
