02 January 2012

A knitted "brain hat" and a "skull cup"

A skillfully done depiction of the gyri and sulci of the human brain.  Via BoingBoing, where there is also a link to a "Museum of Scientifically Accurate Fabric Brain Art."

For comparison/contrast, here is a human skull that has been carved into a decorative bowl:
A kapala (Sanskrit for “skull”) is a cup made from a human skull used as a ritual implement (bowl) in both Hindu Tantra and Buddhist Tantra (Vajrayana). Especially in Tibet, they were often carved or elaborately mounted with precious metals and jewels.
Other examples are shown at Oddity Central, via Criminal Wisdom.


  1. Lord Byron owned a drinking cup made from a skull.

    "Start not! nor deem my spirit fled
    In me behold the only head
    From which, unlike a living skull
    Whatever flows is never dull."

    Little slice of brilliance, there, George.

  2. I must admit that is a very epic brain hat. I want one :P
