14 January 2012

Every picture tells a story

See if you can guess what's going on here.

Hint:  The man became famous (rather than infamous).  Note also that he's wearing a sort of smock, rather than a suit.  And the pocket has his intials on it.  I'll leave the answer below the fold.

As reported by Vintage Gal:
Max Factor and his “scientific device” the Beauty Micrometer which detects defects in feminine beauty that are imperceptible to the naked eye. 1934


  1. Well, the file-name of the picture is a big of a give away.

  2. I don't know about the file name (where did you see that?) but it looks to me like he's measuring the woman for glasses.

  3. hmp, guess I should have looked at the "original" post...

  4. Someone taking a phrenology exam.

  5. My guess: making a casting or sculpture of her head.

  6. Anon, if you hover your cursor over a pic in Safari & Firefox the file name shows at the bottom of your browser window.

  7. "...detects defects in feminine beauty that are imperceptible to the naked eye."

    If they can't be seen by the human eye, how can they be 'beauty' defects?

    This makes my feminist side jump up and down, yelling and waving a club in a ferocious manner.

  8. I agree, Amy - which is of course why I posted it.

  9. I'm guessing it's either a phrenology assessment or a lobotomy...

  10. If you can't see a defect in another person, it doesn't exist....or, matter at all. These "beauty" ideas are a trap, but our Image Egos love this presentation....men and women alike. ;)
