12 January 2012

Anti-Obama message

Attributed to Romney's supporters, perhaps as a guerilla marketing campaign rather than a formal purchase of the space; said to be in airports and fast-food establishments around the country.  Or it could be 'shopped and the Reuters story faked; in any case, it is clever.

Via Copyranter and The Dish.


  1. A commenter at Copyranter added: "I'm pretty sure that "message from our President" could still win a debate with any of those GOP candidates."


  2. It's been making the internet rounds since at least 2009.

  3. Brilliant! Whoever created it- credit where credit's due! All that's needed is a corresponding logo and caption on the toilet signifying how the spiraling insanity of rogue, unfettered, fundamentalist Republican rule and policy sent our economy, our country, and our future straight down the shitter.

  4. Since it doesn't specify a President's name, who's to say it is a new sticker and therefore aimed at Obama?

  5. Perhaps cause it's the official Obama brand logo...

  6. Obama has a brand logo? Good grief. I wonder what would be a suitable brand logo for our coalition government here in Britain...on second thoughts, I won't answer that. I think they still have a cell in the Tower of London for traitors...
