22 December 2011

It's been a long journey...

Several weeks ago, after enjoying some takeout Chinese food, I found the message above inside a fortune cookie.  The aphorism (attributed to Lao Tsu in the 6th century B.C.) was particularly meaningful to me, because on December 22, 2007 I used that phrase as the introduction to my first post on TYWKIWDBI.

So today is our fourth blogiversary.  I find it particularly ironic that I started this blog as a way to save time ("Gee, instead of emailing stuff I find to my friends, I can just post it in a blog and they can read it whenever they want; that would save me a lot of time.")  Let this serve as a warning to those of you who are incipient bloggers - the process expands to fill all the time allotted to it and more.

Today I'm going to celebrate the occasion by taking time off - probably a week.  I have family activities to attend to, a deskful of end-of-the-year paperwork to organize, and some other hobbies that have been neglected.  And a DVD of Civilization IV Gold that has been staring at me...

Those who are dismayed at not having new TYWK-type material to peruse this week should take advantage of the right sidebar, where you can pick a category to consume, or better yet go to the archive and select a month before you discovered this blog, and work your way backward from there.  Some of the old links will have undergone linkrot, but most are still good, and the material is for the most part equivalent to what I've posted recently.


  1. Just a note of thanks. I like the way your mind, and thus your blog, works. Enjoy your holiday break!

  2. Happy Holidays Minnesotastan! And thank you for dragging all along on your journey. Hope you enjoy your time off as much as we all enjoy your blog!

  3. I may not comment frequently, but I've enjoyed your blog almost since its first year. Thanks for all your hard work and careful research.

    Enjoy your time off - you earned it! We'll look forward to seeing you on your return. In the meantime, happy holidays!

  4. THANK YOU for the pleasure your blog gives me, each time there are many posts I delight in! Enjoy your deserved time off----but come back soon!!!

  5. Happy blogversary!! Enjoy your break ~ you will be missed!

  6. Thankyou, for each and every one of the wonderful things I have discovered via your blog. I have been enjoying it for... most of the time its been up (not that I wasn't enjoying it before that, just that I had not yet had the pleasure of your introduction). Enjoy the holiday period, looking forward to the next year of posting already.

  7. Happy Blogiversary! I am so glad that I found this blog. Enjoy your holiday. Looking forward to new posts in the new year.

  8. Thank you for sharing all your thoughts with us! Happy Festivist and enjoy your time off. I must say, that I have become an addict of your blog and you do a great job! Thanks!

  9. I'd also like to add my thanks to you for having created such a fascinating blog. I read your blog with my morning coffee at work and have done so for a few years now. I hope that you have as much fun writing the posts as we have reading them!
    Have a very Merry Christmas and a great break!

  10. Thank you and have a happy holiday!

  11. Happy Blogiversary! And a Merry Christmas!

  12. I am very glad that you decided to blog instead of email all of these interesting finds. Happy blogversary and I wish you much laughter and hugs over your holiday. Many thanks.

  13. I'll add my thanks for a place to visit that has fun, thought provoking or OMG posts and intelligent, civil, witty comments. I've learned so many interesting things because of your blog and the comments made by others.

    I hope you have a joyous holiday.

  14. Happy Blogiversary! I've been with you almost since the beginning, and have enjoyed every minute. Thank you for all the time and effort you put in. The diversity and depth of your posts never fail to engage my interest and my mind. Also, your commenters fascinate as well. Enjoy your rest, and may your holidays bring you joy.

  15. Happy blog birthday!

    You are the blog that I check first. Thank you for all the fascinating things you have shared with me over the years!

  16. Congratulations, Stan, to your intellectual child – if he’s this brilliant at the age of four, what perspectives he has in the future! :) And thank you for daily sharing with us all these treasures found.

    Happy holidays! – Tamás, Budapest

  17. Your blog is the first thing I check every morning--before the news, the weather, etc.

  18. Congratulations on the anniversary Stan. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  19. The journey's always changing, always interesting, I'm grateful for all the education, information, and entertainment I've found here.
    You deserve a holiday!

    All the best wishes for the future.

  20. Civ IV is a true classic. Have fun. (If you ever get bored, try the Beyond the Sword mod.)

  21. Catching up on Facebook, are ya?

    Thanks for the continued effort, and good luck all around in The New Year!

  22. Sincere personal blogs are tops.

    A note: Is ol' earthlink's mypacks.net still in service?

  23. anon, I have six "mypacks.net" emailboxes, and they all seem to be still working fine.

    Are they in danger of being discontinued?

  24. definitely need to take that first step, in any endeavor ..

  25. "Let this serve as a warning to those of you who are incipient bloggers - the process expands to fill all the time allotted to it and more."
    I wish someone had told me that in 2007. It only gets worse.
    Congrats, just the same.

  26. Rest up, you deserve it. I value this blog, and I'd be sad if it wasn't around.

    Thanks for all you do.

  27. Your blog is a shining example of what is good about the internet. Every dark day is made brighter by your work here. Thanks!
