28 November 2011

World's longest fingernails

Photos of this 45-year-old Las Vegas grandmother appear not infrequently on the 'net.  I thought this image was particularly well composed.

One of the Pictures of the Day at The Telegraph.  Credit: Incredible Features / Barcroft Media.

Addendum:  thefrangipangi found at The Daily Mail a biography of this lady with an additional half-dozen photos.


  1. As I recall, the previous record holder lost her title as a result of a car accident, which broke the majority of her nails. This always leads me to wonder if she was the one driving...

  2. Here's a link I found for her,Lee Redmond-


  3. It's interesting how Lee Redmond's nails appear to have been ?"trained" in a more orderly fashion than those of the current champion.


  4. I hope she has a sponsor for fingernail paint.

  5. This is one of those things I simply cannot comprehend the "why" of. I can't see any benefit or beauty in growing nails so long that they become a handicap. To me, they're just plain ugly. And gross. Of course, I also don't understand why we women, as a whole, have allowed ourselves to be enslaved by the cosmetics industry. It's especially unfair when you hear a man complain that the beautiful woman he went to bed with deteriorated somehow during the night.

  6. cheryllynn, I wouldn't think this has any part of a "beauty" or "fashion" culture like nail polish or nail enhancements would have. And I can't imagine the long nails are driven by any male preferences.

    I would guess it must be more of a "mine is bigger than yours" psychology that is present in both sexes. And certainly not coincidentally the "victors" in these competitions may be able to generate some income from their celebrity status.

  7. I think it is more of a, "I am so pampered that I have little use for my fully functional hands".
    Hygene anyone? How does this woman wash 'herself'???
    Disgusting, imho.

  8. I am going to hazard a guess that those are epoxied to give them strength. How the woman wipes herself is beyond me.

  9. kline, I would bet she uses something like the Comfort Wipe - "toilet paper on a stick."


  10. Imagine trying to sleep with those. And dressing, she couldn't put on a tee shirt or a jacket. Why would someone hinder themselves to that extent?

  11. I am fascinated by the ring she is wearing. Watching her slide that around and along her nail and onto her finger would be quite entertaining.

  12. More on Chris Walton here:

  13. Thank you for that link. Here's an answer to what most of us were wondering - "Chris strengthened her nails using acrylic on the outside and inside of the nails" (and painted them gold to celebrate the Guinness listing).

  14. I liked the old Guinness dude better - the one from the 70's who was a fakir or something, and had painted his nails in alternating stripes. I mean, really: Gold? Meh. Now stripes AND a crazy-ass moustache - that's something to write home about!
