22 October 2011

Welcome to a Tudor kitchen

This one is at Hampton Court.  (Does anyone know if this is a segment from a television series?)

Video found at A Woodrunner's Diary, an interesting blog about historical living skills and period reenactments.


  1. Wow, he really gets his hands right in there. Yikes!

    I've been to Hampton Court Palace - the kitchens are absolutely huge. Much larger than the dining rooms they serve. I had no idea those burners could be operated with such precision, I thought the ones that I saw were used for bulk work and the really fine stuff took place somewhere else. Guess not!

    If you ever get a chance to tour that place, by all means go. It's an amazing building and a really, really well presented tour. You'll come out with a real picture of what court life looked like. The Royal School of Needlework still operates out of a suite of rooms there as well, if you have any interest in embroidery it's a world-class facility and not to be missed.

  2. I have a great book about the re-creation of those kitchens called All the King's Cooks. It's a fascinating read. It's also a good example of why living history is better than just studying it.

    Jim Murrey

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwr68gROYM0&feature=relmfu

    find more of the same type of videos at the above link...

  4. I could almost smell the various substances burning as he set each one on fire. Much nicer than gas or electric!

    --Swift Loris

  5. Concerning your question about a television program. It appears that these videos are produced by a charity called Historic Royal Palaces that looks after the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, Kensington Palace, Kew Palace and the Banqueting House.

    I don't believe that there is an associated television program.

  6. Thank you, nolandda. I've bookmarked it for possible future harvesting.

  7. Although this appears to have been from a TV program, if you happen to be visiting Hampton Court, there's always at least one person (in full costume) cooking in there - usually more. They're fantastically well-informed on food history, and a real pleasure to talk to.

    (The kitchen people are much, much more fun than the bloke dressed up as Henry VIII.)
