08 August 2011

Ramadan celebrated in Gaza City

A Palestinian boy in Gaza City plays with fireworks to celebrate the beginning of Ramadan [Ali Ali/EPA] 

Photo from a gallery of 25 at Aljazeera, via A London Salmagundi/


  1. Playing with fire always makes the best photos. Good fun!

  2. A whole month of starvation and dehydration in homage to a very cranky imaginary friend. Wahey.

  3. Fasting during daylight hours is not the same as starvation. If you're going to be disrespectful, at least do so using accurate terminology

  4. Wow, the economy really is hard on everyone right now. Even the Grinch is having to branch out.

  5. (let me try typing that with both hands on the homekeys before posting it this time)

    M'stan: Thanks for the neat photo, the link with even more great photos, and your comment.

    BTW, have I ever mentioned that this is one of my all-time favorite blogs?

  6. Thank you, bunnits. Comments like yours are what keeps me going some days.

  7. I've been an avid reader -every day that I am able to get to a computer- since early 2008. Haven't yet once commented, but thought I would come out of the anonymous blogosphere to also tell you that this blog has consistently been a favorite, and I couldn't possibly count the number of times I've forwarded one of your blurbs on to everyone on my e-mail list.

    Please 'keep going'- it is only blogs such as this that keep me somewhat sane.


  8. I'm glad to hear that, Quinn. I know there are a lot of silent anons out there, because each day the blog gets about 5000 hits but only about a couple dozen comments. Feel free to chime in or lurk, depending on your mood.


  9. Did not follow the link but I would bet that this firework is simply heated steel wool on a chain - still a great effect!
    And +1 for one of the better stops on the web. Even if it is no longer 'incesant'... in fact, I *love* that you put away the computer from time to time and taste life for yourself!

  10. I have been following your blog for about 2 years now...and filling the in-boxes of my friends with "Look at this! This is so cool!!!" links to you for about the same length of time.

    You are the first blog I check in the morning.
